akavel's digital garden

Brands of Discbound notebooks & accessories that I’m aware of

Warning: not 100% of those are 100% guaranteed to be 100% compatible. Most of them should be, but there happen to be some outliers. When trying to compare without buying, first of all check paper sizes, and the number of discs used along the spine.

Some other not immediately user-relevant products:

Assumed incompatible

WARNING: the brands on the list below either are, or seem, incompatible with the original standard as invented by Atoma founders. You might still find them useful if you don’t need compatibility.

💬 Discuss.

🌿 budding — contents of this article got classified among maturing works that I have spent considerable time and energy cultivating but have not finished. They are teenagers who have outgrown their seedling status and may someday grow into ripe.
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